Supported Housing Consultancy

Supported Housing People (SHP) is a provider of supported housing consultancy services to local authority approved supported housing providers, registered providers, local authorities and the NHS.

Our primary functions are to advise on intensive housing management and enhanced Housing Benefit claims, and to broker relationships between local authority approved supported housing providers and registered providers, but we have a very wide knowledge of all aspects of supported housing. This includes:

  • Advice on the future funding of supported and sheltered housing and the Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Act
  • Intensive Housing Management and Maintenance /enhanced Housing Benefit claims and advice on the DWP Housing Benefit Guidance for Supported Housing Claims
  • Helping local authorities to reduce and eliminate subsidy loss on enhanced Housing Benefit claims
  • Working with private capital finance providers with a social commitment for new supported housing
  • Specialised Supported Housing capital, revenue, policy & development
  • Speaking engagements at supported housing and other conferences and events.
  • Board & Senior Management Team briefings on any aspect of supported and sheltered housing finance, policy and operations.
  • Training/Briefing events both public events and events that are tailor-made for your organisation or group of organisations on most aspects of supported and sheltered housing
  • Working with the Exempt Accommodation Project to broker relationships between local authority approved supported housing providers and registered providers to enable local authorities to fully reclaim the enhanced Housing Benefit they pay


We work according to the Value Generation principles devised by supported housing expert Michael Patterson.

Value Generation is a values-based approach to measuring the quality of supported housing (and much else besides) according to 3 principles:

  • What are the outcomes for people who live in supported housing? (Qualitatively measured)
  • What is the cost benefit to the public purse? (Quantitatively measured)
  • What is the wider social and community benefit? (Quantitatively and qualitatively measured)

As a consequence we see people with additional needs very much as we see our own flesh and blood. Everyone involved with SHP has direct personal experience of additional needs within our own families.

We also have very wide experience of working within supported housing and the NHS.

Please contact us if you need advice and support on any aspect of supported housing.

NB: Please note that we do not work with organisations that are not approved as supported housing providers by their respective local authorities.

colourful row of houses